Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Just before the big candy day,  I decided to add a few simple decorations for Halloween.

My mother-n-law bought the painted gourd 20 years ago at a craft fair. When gourds dry, they become very light and when you give a shake, you can hear the seeds inside.

Ann from "On Sutton Place" has a tutorial on how to make a gourd beautiful and pictures of other craft ideas you can make from gourds. She has a lovely website full of creativity and inspiration!

Mr. Owl has been on vacation since guarding my fig tree early summer. I decided to put him to work for Halloween, then he can rest for the winter. Hoot Hoot!

Have a happy and safe Halloween...Boo!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall wreath with "Dollar Store" & easy!

I usually shop for flowers at "Hobby Lobby" but decided to give a go at making a wreath from the "Dollar Store" floral aisle selection. I know at first you can be overwhelmed by the bright colors they offer, but I was able to pick out a selection that seemed to be surprisingly, fairly nice.

I started by using my old trusty grapevine wreath that I have had for years. The flowers usually come in a bunch of about five blossoms each. All you have to do is leave a few inches of the stem on each flower and clip them with your wire cutters. Start out with randomly poking one color of flowers throughout your wreath and then add the other color. Easy, fast (took about ten minutes!) and cheap to make. No need to glue so later you can change out for a new season. Do you have any "Dollar Store" floral projects that you have made?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall decorating

Fall is falling a little behind down south. It takes a while for it to get here, so we have to push it along with a little decorating.

This is my Magnolia Wreath I made over a year ago and I added fresh leaves turned upside down which has a velvety texture and a burnt orange color.